Gerry Miles I have a passion for painting, deep-sea diving, photography, filming and hiking. I was born in 1941 and grew up in a small country village in the heart of the Hampshire downs. My father instilled in me a keen interest in wildlife and the countryside. During some memorable summer holidays on the south coast, he encouraged me to go snorkelling, which gave me my first tentative insight into the underwater world. These interests have remained with me throughout my whole life and have had a strong influence on my artistic development in painting landscapes and marine subjects. Although blessed with a natural ability to draw, I have not had any formal art training, but have studied diligently over the years to understand and master the intricacies of composition, perspective, tonal relationships, and colour harmony. I strive to capture nature’s fleeting and illusive moods and to create the ambiance of a scene. I have retired from a successful international business career and am now able to channel my creative energies into my art. Devonpaint My time is divided between the family home in The Netherlands and our second home in Devon, England. Over the last 10 years I have completed more than 90 landscape paintings of the South Hams Coast and have published a book as an illustrated guide to this area of outstanding natural beauty. Details of this work are given in the separate Book section of this website. The landscape paintings shown in the Devonpaint gallery are those that I have painted since the book was published. Divepaint I started sub-aqua diving off of the south coast of England in 1963 and since then I have never tired of the experience of exploring the seas around the coasts of Europe and in more recent years, the tropical seas of the world. The thing that has sustained my interest in diving has been the study and filming of marine life. My early beginnings were with a homemade Perspex camera housing that I built for my Super 8-movie camera, which was far more challenging than filming with my current HD DVD Video equipment and lighting system. Over the last 45 years, I have amassed a wealth of underwater films that now provide me with the reference material for my aquatic paintings. Colour, tone and contrast diminish rapidly as you descend into the depths, red colours are quickly filtered out leaving green/greys and blue/greys. By adopting a more abstract approach to this environment, I want to capture the exhilarating sensation of diving and create a vibrancy that is anything but grey and sombre.