Underwater Paintings

A collection of underwater paintings in oils and acrylics of fishes, mammals, crustaceans and other sea creatures that inhabit the coral reefs, tropical seas and open oceans of the planet. This subaquatic world lends itself to both realistic and abstract painting composition. Painting underwater subjects provides a unique freedom in expression of form and colour.

I have often seen dolphins surfing the bow wave from the deck of a ship, I just wondered what that might look like underwater.

Dolphins surfing a bow wave.

Nautiluses have been around for over 500 million years, they must be doing something right.


Upon siting a pair of turtles children react in amazement at the spectacle.

A day out at the aquarium

Octopus silently defends upon an unsuspecting crab.

The unsuspecting crab

95% water, no brain, heart or blood. A jellyfish is only beautiful and elegant in water.

Jellyfishes and Sweepers

Sea otters gambolling in a kelp forest.

Sea Otters

Mobular rays have the nickname flying rays

Mobular Rays breaching

Manta Rays circling at a cleaning station.

Manta Rays

Myriad of life on a coral reef.

Red Sea Coral Reef

Blue spotted stingrays are very common in the Red Sea, both on shallow reefs and down to depths of 30 meters.

Blue Spotted Stingrays

Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea.


An inquisitive shark glides past.

Decompression stop with visitor

The exotic colours and pattern of the Royal angelfish

Royal Angelfish

Are the colours and patterns of tropical fishes only for recognition purposes?

Blue girdled angelfishes

Sea lions gathered at a stormy and turbulent reef.

A ballet of sea lions

Smooth Trunkfishes

Table corals form a backdrop to this painting of potato cods.

Potato Cods on a table coral reef.

Inquisitive sea lion approaches diver.

Love is in the air(bubbles)

A gathering of hammerhead sharks

Scalloped hammerhead sharks

With bright red tentacles above it's eyes the tompot blenny looks very comical

Tompot Blenny

French angelfish and stone corals observed in Grand Cayman.

French angelfish with stone corals

Blue ringed Octopus

The nudibranch or sea slug comes in a wide variety of colours and patterns.


Cobia are often called black salmon and have become a very popular eating fish.

Cobia the sprat catcher

In August2022 the dugong, another member of the sea cow family was declared extinct in China.


The camouflage of the leafy sea dragon makes it extremely difficult to spot among seaweed.

Leafy sea dragon

Amorous male whales pursue a female in season.

Humpback Whales

Green turtles are the largest of the hard-shelled turtles

Green Turtles

Galapagos fur seal dances around a diver

Galapagos fur seals with diver

The whitecap reef shark is the most common shark found on coral reefs.

Whitetip Reef Sharks

Diving the barrier reef of Grand Cayman

Diving the barrier reef of Grand Cayman

The brilliant colours and patterns of the clarion angel fishes

Clarion Angel Fishes

Cuttlefishes mating


portrait of a sawfish


Sailfish open water attack

Sailfish open water attack

Eagle rays glide past a diver on a wreck.

The Wreck Dive

Leopard sharks cruising along a coral reef.

Leopard sharks

Bait ball under attack

The Bait Ball

Seal pup hunting in a kelp forest

Hunting in the kelp forest

The brilliant colours displayed by a healthy coral reef

The Living Coral Reef

Giant Moray eel free swimming

Giant Moray Eel

Queen angelfishes and big eye soldier fishes

Angels and soldiers

Many deep sea creatures produce bioluminescent light.

Fluorescent Jellyfish

Basking sharks are the second largest fish in the sea.

Basking Sharks

A featherstar caught in the glare of a diver's torch.

Night Dive

Titan triggerfish living under a pier

Life under the pier

A seal pup survivor of the Canadian seal hunt

Come on in the water’s lovely

Giant grouper at the entrance to a coral swim-through

Guardians of the swim-through

Clown fishes in an anemone

Anemone Fishes

Bottlenose dolphins in the red sea

Bottlenose Dolphins

Diving the wall in Bunaken National Marine Park

Diving on the wall

Returning from diving in the carribean.

Returning from diving in the carribean

Tiger Shark

Underwater painting of a red spotted sea bass cruising a coral reef by Gerry Miles

Red Spotted Sea Bass on a Stone Coral Reef

Underwater painting of Tarpon at Chubb Hole by Gerry Miles

Tarpon at Chubb Hole

River Otters

Underwater painting of spadefish Spade fishes above a shipwreck by Gerry Miles

Spade fishes hovering over a sunken wreck

Underwater painting of Gannets diving on a bait ball by Gerry Miles

Gannets Diving on Baitball

Green Turtle and Staghorn Coral

Raccoon Butterflyfish with sergeant majors.

Giant Pacific Red Octopus

Safety Stop with Napoleon Fish


Harbour seals on an ice flow

Dolphins gamboling in the surf

Racoon Butterfly Fishes & Soft Coral

Humpback whales give birth in November and December

Humpback Whales

Whale Shark

The Bait Ball



French Angel Fishes

Under Thin Ice

Juvenile Spotted Drum


Dusky Grouper

Sailfin Tangs

Running the Gauntlet

The Grouper & the Staghorn

Under the Ice

Green Turtles


Long Nosed Butterfly Fishes

Spotted Sweetlips

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins

Copper Banded Butterfly Fishes

Cruising the Kelp Forest

Galapagos Fur Seals

Grey Seals of the Scilly Islands

Lion Fish

Picasso Trigger Fish

Semicircle Angel Fishes

Striped Marlin

Yellow Crowned Butterfly Fish